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Topic initiated on Saturday, July 15, 2006 - 12:00 PM
coming together
think the recent trend of setting up events for people from different faiths to come together and share a family event and knowing eachother is a brilliant effort which has been initiated in the UK. Recently Islam Expo was organized in London in this regard.This can be a big step forward to bring the different communities together and removing un-necessary misunderstandings; we can use similar events for different groups within muslims as well because unfortunately the different sectors have so much against eachother due to lack of peaceful communication. |
Posted - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 - 8:14 PM
A project of its kind. in uk, first launched in berkshire by David Sparrow joined by his partners in Faith partnership. (Studying Islam is one of the representative) Something which needs to be encouraged everywhere in the world, specially in todays circumstances
Faith Junction--- where believers come together. Across-the-faiths interviews. ·
1. Questions of belief about God. Do you believe in:
Doing good?
· 2. Sacred Buildings:
Do they matter?
Are they necessary?
Do they promote superstition in religion?
Are they a community focal point?
· 3. Teaching and Practice
What are the differences between what your faith teaches, and what you (or other members of the religious community) practice?
Does your religion accept social change?
Are there areas of faith that should change, (we live in a different time now), or are the faith precepts "once and for always"?
Are sexual issues a faith 'problem area'?
Is change always a bad thing?
Is change ever a good thing?
· 4. Superstition & Tradition
Are there areas of your religion that you feel are really a superstition?
Are there traditions in your religion that you are uncomfortable with?
· 5. What are the positive elements of your faith that give you help, encouragement, or inspiration?
· 6. Are there any negative elements of your faith that cause you to lose heart, or make you depressed? (The story of a young homosexual who felt so guilty that he killed himself prompts this question)
7. Are Clerics necessary? Can your faith do without them? 8. Is there a sense of calling in your religion? Is this something that applies to leaders, the 'average man' or both? 9. Love and Forgiveness: How compassionate is your religion? Is there a way for communities
to act that shows love and forgiveness in action, (see 3). Is rejection ever the answer to a member of a faith community?
· 10. Many people see religion as the representation of a harsh or
angry God, rather than a God of love . How much are the faith communities responsible for this attitude? |
Posted - Friday, September 1, 2006 - 12:28 AM
There is an inter faith meeting this weekend between a Muslim and a Christian at St Paul's Church. The Muslim speaker is Jamal Harwood, a canadian convert of some 20 years. He is a well known speaker and the subject is
The role of Religion in a secular society.
Please attend if you can.
Sunday 3rd September 2:30pm Gilliant Hall 130 Stoke Road St Pauls Church Slough. Royal County Berks UK
Best regards
Sarfraz |
Posted - Thursday, September 14, 2006 - 5:37 PM
The Faith Junction project, which is managed by "Art Beyond Belief" in conjunction with the Slough Faith Partneship will be holding a workshop on interview techniques for the project, at the West Wing, Stoke Road, Slough on Monday 18th Sept at 19:30. All are welcome. If you cannot make it, perhaps you can pray for those taking part? David Sparrow |
Posted - Monday, September 18, 2006 - 6:50 PM
dont worry david our prayers as well as ourselves are going to be there, Insha'Allah 
best wishes

Edited by: hkhan on Monday, September 18, 2006 6:50 PM |
Posted - Saturday, November 4, 2006 - 4:17 PM
the 1st set of interviews among the members belonging to the four religions initiates today;in regards to the Faith Junction project. hope it goes well. we'll wait for david sparrow to tell us about them wen he has a minute 'cause i know he is in a rush now :) (some oxygen and analgesia ) best |
Posted - Thursday, November 23, 2006 - 12:46 PM
watch out for the in the global peace and unity event excel london on sat sun 25th 26th Nov. --titled 'faith partnership-renaissance' jointly presented by Renaissance Readers Club UK and Faith Partnership Slough, Berkshire--(stand no. T-2) ; which will display the work of Almawrid uni.of Islamic sciences and all its affiliates as well as our work with other faiths.if anyone wishes to contribute to this cause, plz write to or
plz note that the partnership's intention is not to disguise by claiming that we all don't hv any differences; rather the fact that we accept the differences among the beliefs but at the same time we invite to consider the commonalities as well-- and try to live in peace and harmony whilst exchanging views in a healthy environment. members from other parts of the world cn send us info about their area activities and events in similar regard. |
Posted - Saturday, November 25, 2006 - 6:52 PM
Assalamu alaykum We are at the global Peace and unity Event and masshallah it is great to see so many muslims and non muslims interested to know and share.We hope that the promotion of the work promoted by this website and it's associated projects will benefit many. |
Posted - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 12:11 AM
It is heartening to know that the Faith Juncton interviews are near to completion now. It is amazing to see the potential for working together in peace and harmony in a community including the admins of the worship places belonging to various faiths. The details would be available in due timeonce the editing is completed. I think it would be a great example and a milestone to follow for the people who wish to come together in the name of faith. |
Posted - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 3:31 PM
Some of the comments from those taking part are now available to see/hear on the Faith Junction section of Art Beyond Belief's website <> I hope to add some comments to the website over the forthcoming holiday period.... |
Posted - Thursday, January 4, 2007 - 5:18 AM
thnx. we look fwd to that.
Am adding one of the interfaith contacts we recvd from the recent global peace 'n unity event at our faith partnership-renaissance readers club stand; URL with the Invitation to a major multifaith event on 07/07/07 in London. ps Details on this site.
Also, had a chance to look at a book re: faith and reasoning recently (A Simple Guide to Islam's Contribution to Science and Civilization) published in 1935 and interestingly it has been foreworded by a Hindu scholar Rabindranath Tagore who writes:
" One of the most potent sources of Hindu- Muslim conflict in India is our scant knowledge of eachother . We live side by side and yet our words are entirely different. such mental aloofness has done immense mischief in the past and forbodes an evil future. It is only through a sympathetic understanding of eachothers' culture and social customs and conventions that we can create an atmosphere of peace and goodwill.With this end in view I started a department of Islamic culture in Visva Bharati a few years ago with the generous financial support of His Exaulted Highness, the Nizam. I am glad to say the experiment has been successful. But work of this sort must be elaborated a hundred fold. Individual educationists and scholars must take it up and I heartily welcome, therefore, the series of articles from my distinguished countryman, Maulvi Abdul Karim, on Islam's Contribution to Science and Civilisation. The writer has clothed his erudition in as simple a garb as possible and the book should have great popular appeal. It is with pleasure that i commend the book to my countrymen."
Rabindranath Tagore
Uttarayan Santiniketan, Bengal Aug 19th, 1935 |
Posted - Thursday, March 8, 2007 - 8:21 PM
Press Release
After persistent reports of forced conversions of British Hindu and Sikh girls to Islam, the Muslim Council of Britain calls upon all concerned to publicise their evidence and hand it to the police authorities immediately.
‘These allegations are not new. What is deeply worrying however is the continuing absence of any actual substantive evidence to corroborate them. We believe it is high time that the plaintiffs supply their evidence to the police and relevant authorities,' said Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, Secretary-General of the MCB.
If these reports prove to be true the MCB would unreservedly condemn the practice of forced conversion as it goes against a fundamental tenet of our religion - there is no compulsion in matters of faith.
Dr Abdul Bari said, ‘The MCB is fully prepared to co-operate with its Hindu and Sikh counterparts and the police to get to the root of these allegations and to ensure that the religious rights, freedom and dignity of all are respected. In the absence of any hard evidence of forced conversions though, many British Muslims will suspect that this is an underhand attempt to smear them. People from all faiths and none should have the right to convert to other faiths if they so wish.' |
Posted - Thursday, March 29, 2007 - 12:53 PM
we feel that none of the faiths encourages activities like gambling; and specially if they are presented as a solution to the problems like poverty? if any of the faiths/beliefs opine differently, we would be interested to know.
British Muslims Urge Vote Against Expansion of Casino Culture
The Muslim Council of Britain urges all members of the House of Commons and House of Lords to vote tonight against the establishment of super-casinos and 16 regional casinos in the UK.
"It seems rather strange that the government believes it can somehow help regenerate poor and deprived areas by promoting more gambling amongst its inhabitants. We are deeply concerned at the possible social impact of the government's planned expansion of casinos in the UK and we hope that members of both Houses of Parliament will vote according to their conscience tonight," said Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain.
Posted - Friday, April 6, 2007 - 12:12 AM
Dear Faith Junction contributors,
The Faith Junction interviews are ready to be shown in their edited form. We will be showing the 6 Christian interviews (where Christians are being interviewed). It has been suggested that those attending could each bring a dish of food, so that the evening could be a celebration of our diversity. Obviously those Christians who took part are the key attendees, along with those that interviewed them, but if anyone else would like to take part you are most welcome. RSVP would be appreciated.
5 April christian Interviews
10 April Sikh Interviews
19 April Muslim interviews
26 April Hindu interviews
For any Q write to <> |
Posted - Friday, May 18, 2007 - 12:57 AM
My understanding is that the wearing of the Kara is not an optional extra for an amritdhari ("baptized" Sikh), but an essential.
I have referred to a chapter by Eleanor Nesbitt in "Meeting Sikhs", which details some of the practical issues this has raised in contemporary British society.
Generally speaking the official line has been to accommodate the wearing of the 5 Ks by Sikhs.
There is now a long tradition of this going back to the issue of Bus Conductors wearing turbans in the 1960s.
One would have hoped that we had got beyond this kind of controversy.
Basically, it should be clear that the Kara is not a piece of jewelry, as a cross or crucifix would be. Christians are not bound to wear a cross, but Sikhs are bound to wear a Kara (and the other Ks).
One wonders how a school can teach the agreed syllabus without being aware of this!
John Newton, Christian Representative
It is widely accepted that a Cross, Star of David, Sikh bangles and Turban may be worn except to PE and games. During PE and games, if they can be removed then the student must do so. In the case of the bangles sticking plaster should be put over it to prevent it getting caught on equipment.
The cross and star must be worn under the uniform when student is not doing PE or games.
Small pupils under 12 should also adhere to this and girls wearing head coverings of hajji must be safe in all lessons.
Jo Osborne, Jewish Representative
Thank you for your email. It is a good step forward to support various communities living together in Slough.
I think unless the ornament/dress is a threat to the child's/person's security, which could be best decided by the child's parents/guardian; he/she should not be required to remove it.
Britain is proud of its generous approach and reception of various cultures and religions and it should uphold this virtue.
Dr.Henna Khan, Muslim Representative, Vice Chair Faith Partnership Slough
Glad to know your efforts in this direction. Kara as far as I know is a religious sacred symbol for the Sikhs and should not be treated at par with other jewellery items.
Comparison of Kara with cross is not justified for Kara is one of the five elements which distinguish a person to be Sikh.
However some one from Sikh community can give more info on the subject.
Naresh Saraswat, Hindu Representative
Quite clearly another can of worms has been opened. It seems to me that we should press this school to take a more tolerant view. As a Faith
Partnership we should press for religious symbols (such as a cross and the like) as not being items of jewellery, but 'symbols of faith' and therefore part of who we are as 'people of faith' - the trouble is where do you draw the line - I leave that for others to decide.
Rev Allen Walker, Christian Representative
Many thanks for your communication about the wearing of Sikh Kara.
I am fully in agreement with Mrs Bilkhu that Kara is not jewellery but a part and parcel of Sikh’s religious symbol.
Kara is worn by every Sikh and has been the case ever since the Sikh religion came into being more than 300 years ago. To consider it as part of jewellery is just ignorance or taking the matter to the extreme.
Most of jewellery items are made of gold or silver but Kara is made of steel and cannot be considered as jewellery. I think schools should concentrate their energy and time dealing with more important and serious issues like drugs and other disciplinary matters than wasting their time on issues like this.
K.S.Parhar, Sikh Representative
I agree with those who expressed their opinions on that Kara are not a piece of jewellery but it is a more a symbol of culture and tradition of the Sikhs everywhere in the world, not only in India as Sikhs migrated to Canada, USA and UK and several other countries. Therefore thinking it as a piece of jewellery would be hurting the sentiments of the followers of the Sikh religion, not only in UK but also in all other countries. I would therefore regret that this matter should be viewed in the context of interest of inter-cultural and racial harmony rather than only as a metaphor of rules and regulations.
Vijay Gupta, Hindu representative
John’s understanding is spot on. The Kara is an article of faith, not jewellery. Also I do want to clarify that a Kara is steel which denotes all rich or poor can afford to have one. Gold denotes prestige and wealth which means then a gold Kara is regarded as jewellery. If anyone asks to remove a gold so called Kara they are within in their rights to do so.
This is 2007 and we are still talking about issues such as these.
Please note that the school repeatedly kept referring to 'uniform policy' they have already lost one Muslim girl who was ridiculed for wearing a long skirt and then trousers to Slough and Eton School. The mother had explained before the beginning of the new term that they were Muslim and an agreement was made that a long skirt is ok.
My question to the school was that if a Sikh boy who wears a patka/turban came to the school what would they do? He replied quite proudly I must say that there is one in 6th form. Well my reply was is that school uniform policy?
A Sikh teacher had advised the head teacher that a Kara is worn by wear one practicing Sikhs as my daughter is not practicing its ok. Also I do want to make clear my daughter had a gold one on now she has the steel one. The Kara is worn by a majority of non practicing Sikhs as a sign of their faith each individual has a spiritual journey in their lifetime therefore wearing the Kara or keeping your hair long is apart of the spiritual well being.
My daughter’s friend was asked to remove her Kara which was steel she did so as she was frightened that she might get into trouble as she is only 11.Since then I she has put the Kara back on. What I would like Slough Faith Partnership to do is perhaps liaise with all schools about the relevance of faith and culture in schools as there seem to be an inconsistency as to matters of this nature.
I have also attached details of the first of four exhibitions at Slough museum Sikh exhibition 11th April - 28th April 2007.
Please call me regarding any of the above issues.
Ranjit Bilkhu, Sikh Representative |
Posted - Saturday, May 19, 2007 - 11:50 PM
my view is where we making other efforts to enable our communities to practice our faith especially with regards to jewellery topic its all ok and necessary. However we all know that in uk and may be other European countries majority of people i mean of christian faith are not practicing christians. it is this lack of interest in their own religion that renders them unable to understand the importance of religion in ones life. We need to create this awareness back into their lives that when one follows their religion wholeheartedly regardless of what faith they belong to , theres a goal in ones life and its this pusuit of the goal that keeps the mind occupied and the person is geared towards achieving better things in life than wasting time on bad habits. supressing anyone to practice their faith to try to bring this kind of commonality is not the way forward. |
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