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Posted - Thursday, June 8, 2006 - 7:21 PM
Salam! Well done brother Sksamshirali!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Posted - Monday, June 12, 2006 - 12:11 PM
Salam brother,
Thank you for your support.
Edited by: ibrahim on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 11:04 AM |
Posted - Friday, June 30, 2006 - 4:47 PM
Salam everyone,
Those who believe in the religious sources other than Noble Quran, they do open shirk with Allah and such people are disbelievers or Kafirs. Nowhere in Noble Quran is mentioned, obey Muhammad but it is only to obey the Rasool (messenger). Despite the clear commandment of God, the corrupt people obey Muhammad Not the Rasool and it a serious dishonesty with God and Noble Quran. God forgives everyone but not ‘Mushrekeen’
Hadith attributed to Muhammad are the fabricated material and are never the source of Islam. The corrupt people basically created these Hadith many years after the death of the prophet Muhammad. One of the aims of those corrupt people was to adulterate the religion and to find the things and the interpretations of their own choice.
The corrupt people of today also have the gateway of Hadith to corrupt the religion and find the things of their own choice. They give Hadith much more importance than the noble Quran and everyone knows that the people doing shirk are never Muslims but disbelievers (Kafirs). |
Posted - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 - 3:43 PM
Posted - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 - 7:10 PM
Muhammad is referred to as Allah's Apostle even in the Holy Book, i.e. Qur'an. Therefore "obey the Messenger" automatically means "obey Muhammad", silly. By the way, who gave you this false idea that the Ahaadeeth were fabricated after the Prophet's (SAW) death? |
Posted - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 - 7:40 PM
THIS IS A MESSAGE FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS TAKEN PART IN THIS TOPIC: Please end this topic because I see that it's getting nowhere. Even if you prove it to these people that Ahaadeeth are to be followed, they still won't believe you and will probably bring up a new controversial topic to prove their invalid and illogical points. So I advise everyone to end this topic. Remember, Allah guides whomever He wills to the Straight Path, and then the whole of mankind and Jinns fail to lead that person astray. Allah has probably not chosen these argumentators for His guidance. Then how can we make them understand? "Deaf, dumb and blind they will never understand" (Surah Baqarah)
Wassalaamu 'Alaikum Ajma'een! (May peace be upon you all!)
Edited by: admin on Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:27 AM |
Posted - Sunday, July 16, 2006 - 7:19 AM
Nida e khair
First, answer the following questions of sksamshirali.
1. Do you glorify any one besides God?
2. Do you idolize any one to the extent of calling them perfect (God being the only absolute perfection)?
3. Do you love any one as much as you love God?
4. Do you commemorate any name as much as you commemorate the name of God, or even more?
5. Do you obey any religious law other than God's Law of the Quran?
6. Do you place your total trust and dependence on others believing that they have the power to fulfil your aims?
7. Do you on the other hand often fear others believing that they have the power to harm you?
8. Do you call on any dead human beings (prophets, saints .... etc) and implore them to give you what you need?
9. Are you obsessed with your business or your loved ones to the extent that you dedicate all you life to them and become negligent of the only reason for which we were all created? That being to worship God?
10. Do you have any degree of honesty to abide by in answering these questions?
Nida e khair, first answer these questions then give your polytheistic, erroneous and ignorance based comments.
Nida e khair said: Remember, Allah guides whomever He wills to the Straight Path, and then the whole of mankind and Jinns fail to lead that person astray. Allah has probably not chosen these argumentators for His guidance.
Are you and the false argumentators of your team guided who are trying to make lawful every evil, even homosexuality? They are not only far away from the guidance but the humanhood . Nida e khair said: Wassalaamu 'Alaikum Ajma'een! (May peace be upon you all!)
Why don’t you say ‘May peace be upon all of US! Instead of ‘May peace be upon you all!’
Aren’t you considering yourself pious, and all others otherwise? That’s why I said about you somewhere, ‘You told a lie’ |
Posted - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 4:02 AM
Assalaamu 'Alaikum Brother Zulfee. Here are the answers to your questions: (Bismillah!) 1. Certainly not. And it's because of this reason that I follow His Prophet (SAW). 2. Ofcourse not. And by the way, if you're referring to Muhammad (SAW), then he wasn't perfect at all. He was only a servant of Allah who was raised to honour because of being a prophet. 3. No. And it's because of the fact that I love Allah that also makes me love His Prophet and which thus makes me follow him. 4. Not at all. If you're again referring to Muhammad (SAW), then he never told us to do that. 5. Yes, absolutely. Why? Because the Qur'an tells me to. I think you've not gone through verse 59 of Surah Nisaa which reads the following: "O you who believe! Obey Allah 1, and obey the Messenger 2, and those charged with authority among you 3. If you differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger 4, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is best and most suitable in the end." In this verse, some have detected mentions of the four bases of Islamic law: the Qur'an 1, the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and his sayings 2, the consensus of scholars 3, and analogy based upon the Qur'an and Sunnah 4. Note that the verse adds, "If you believe in Allah and the Last Day", implying that anyone who does believe in these four bases of Islamic law, he actually does not believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment! That means you! Talk about calling us Mushriks! And please don't tell me that I'm a liar because I'm not the one calling you a Mushrik; the Qur'an is. 6. Ofcourse not! What makes you think I do that? I'm only following the Qur'an! 7. I've no idea what made you ask this. Certainly not! 8. No Zulfee. Only Christians call on their prophet 'Eesa (AS). I'm a Muslim Alhamdulillah, and am thus free of their Shirk. But by the way, that doesn't mean I should not follow Muhammad (SAW). Following someone, especially a prophet, has nothing to do with worshipping him. And if the Qur'an had told me to abandon Muhammad's (SAW) Sunnah after his death, I would've been the first one to do that. 9. Not at all! I do worship my Lord because He deserves my worship. But Zulfee, that worship would be of no use if I did not follow His Teachings. And one of His Teachings is that we should follow the teachings if His prophet Muhammad (SAW), who did not say anything of his own accord, who was inspired to teach us the Message of Allah, and whose exact same teachings have been passed on to us through reliable chains of narrarors. That's true worship: to obey Allah, and we possibly cannot obey Allah if we don't obey His prophet who was sent to humanity. And Alhamdulillah, that's what I do. I follow Allah and His prophet (SAW), and so should you. 10. Brother Zulfee, while I'm replying to these questions and unjustified blames on me, my conscience tells me that I'm right and that Allah is with me. Knowing that Allah supports me, why should I not be honest in answering these questions? If I weren't honest, I wouldn't have felt Allah's support.
You wrote: Nida e khair, first answer these questions then give your polytheistic, erroneous and ignorance based comments.
Brother, after all that I've said, do you still hold me to be a "polytheist" if I only talk about obeying Allah? Do you still hold me to be "erroneous" inspite of giving proof from the Qur'an? Do you still hold me to be to be "ignorant" despite the fact that my source of knowledge is the Qur'an? If yes, then may Allah guide you because it is you who considers the Qur'an to be a joke. (N.B. I'm not attacking you, I'm just trying to justify my statement)
You wrote: Are you and the false argumentators of your team guided who are trying to make lawful every evil, even homosexuality?
Dear brother, I'm sorry to say this but that is blasphemy. Give me a single proof from the entire forum in which you think I've supported homosexuality. And what do you mean by "your team"? If you think I have a team that supports me, then please give me a single proof that says that "my team" supports homosexuality. And for the sake of Allah, please don't quote replies from people such as "Loveall" because they are not in my invented team. (I call it "invented" because uptil now, I had no idea I had a team. Zulfee just invented it. He's the inventor of my team. Does that make sense to any of you?) You further wrote: Why don’t you say ‘May peace be upon all of US! Instead of ‘May peace be upon you all!’ Aren’t you considering yourself pious, and all others otherwise?
Brother, a simple reason for this would be that if you greet someone, you don't say "peace be on us", you say "peace be to you". Throughout the centuries, Muslims, including the Prophet (SAW), have greeted each other by saying "peace be to you". Were they arrogant? I don't think so. And besides, suppose if I give you a gift, you won't attack me saying "Why didn't you give yourself a similar gift? Do you think your 'high dignity' is not worthy of such gifts?" I've tried to reply to your misunderstandings* in the best manner I could. May Allah guide you---Oh I'm sorry! I forgot to add "and me." So may Allah guide you and me. Happy now? Chill brother; just relax ! *I don't know your intentions, i.e. whether you merely meant to attack me, or these are misunderstandings. To be on the safe side, I think it better to write "misunderstandings".
Wassalaamu 'Alainaa (Peace on all of us!) |
Posted - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 4:13 AM
This is for Zulfee and his sidekicks like sksamshirali: Holy Prophet (sws) has the authority to legislate in his capacity as the Messenger of Allah. The fact that we do have the Holy Qur’an with us does not place any limits on the Holy Prophet’s authority to legislate. The authority of the Holy Prophet (sws) to legislate is independent of the laws contained in the Holy Qur’an, except that all his law making is based on the authority given to him in the Holy Qur’an and is confined to such limits. It would be a blasphemy to think that he could not institute any religious teachings in his capacity as the Messenger of Allah. However all such instructions of the Holy Prophet (sws) that add to the content of the Deen as contained in the Holy Qur’an, must come down to us through Tawatur and Ijma (consensus) of the Companions of the Holy Prophet (sws). (And they have come down to us through Tawatur*)
*When we say that the Sunnah has reached us through Tawatur, we mean to say that so many people in every generation conveyed it to the next and so on though their practical adherence to it that there can be no doubt about its authenticity. |
Posted - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 - 9:06 AM
Salam Nida_e_Khair,
Quote:- Holy Prophet (sws) has the authority to legislate in his capacity as the Messenger of Allah. The fact that we do have the Holy Qur’an with us does not place any limits on the Holy Prophet’s authority to legislate. The authority of the Holy Prophet (sws) to legislate is independent of the laws contained in the Holy Qur’an, except that all his law making is based on the authority given to him in the Holy Qur’an and is confined to such limits. It would be a blasphemy to think that he could not institute any religious teachings in his capacity as the Messenger of Allah.
Reply:- Don’t shout immaturely by saying that ‘ the Holy prophet had the authority to legislate religious law’. Do you have any proof? If yes, then please show me from the quran. As we can see from 6:114, we are told that God is the ONLY source of law, and as we can see in 66:1 God reprimands the prophet for once prohibiting something that was NOT prohibited by God, which tells us very clearly that the prophet does not have the authority to prohibit or legislate except what is prohibited or legislated by God. Also in numerous verses of the Qur’an say that duty of messenger was to deliver the message i.e. Qur’an without any alteration or deletion.
"And obey God and obey the messenger and be cautious; but if you turn back, then know that the SOLE DUTY of the messenger is the deliverance (of the message)" 5:92
"And obey God and obey the messenger, but if you turn back, then upon Our messenger is the SOLE DUTY of the clear delivery (of the message)" 64:12
Now, if we look at these Ayaat, we notice that God has clearly pointed out the ONLY duty of the Messenger, i.e. that he must DELIVER the message (Quran).
After considering all the points it must be said that the prophet will advocate his people to do righteous acts, enjoins them from evil and prohibits them from bad things, all in accordance to what is given to him in the Quran by God, and nothing else.
God did not come down to communicate with the people in person, did He? God gave the Quran to Muhammad .... and the Quran came out of Muhammad's mouth, so Muhammad is commanded by God to do the above in accordance to the law given in the Quran and not in accordance to Muhammad's own whims.
This is my understandings. Either you can accept it or not.
Quote:- When we say that the Sunnah has reached us through Tawatur, we mean to say that so many people in every generation conveyed it to the next and so on though their practical adherence to it that there can be no doubt about its authenticity.
Reply:- Majority people always follow conjecture according to Qur’an. So what majority people do, should not be your concern. You should concern about what Qur’an says and Qur’an says we should not seek any other source as our religious source besides IT. Tawatur is not the criteria. The only Criteria (Furqan) is the Nobel Qur’an and noting else.
[6:116] If you obey the majority of people on earth, they will divert you from the path of GOD. They follow only conjecture; they only guess.
[12:103] Most people, no matter what you do, will not believe.
[12:106] The majority of those who believe in GOD do not do so without committing idol worship.
[19:73] When our revelations are recited to them, clearly, those who disbelieve say to those who believe, "Which of us is more prosperous? Which of us is in the majority?"
[25:1] Most blessed is the One who revealed the Statute Book(Furqan) to His servant, so he can serve as a warner to the whole world.
Now please see the followings;
"When you observe your Salat prayers, your voice shall not be too loud, nor too low; you shall maintain an intermediate tone." (17:110)
Despite these straightforward instructions from God, the "Muslim" masses were diverted by Hadith; they maintain total silence during the noon prayer, the afternoon prayer, the third unit of the sunset prayer, and the second half of the night prayer. WHERE DID THEY GET THESE INSTRUCTIONS? From another god beside God; from other sources beside Quran i.e Twatur….. Do you see to what extent your cherished twatur is right?
(42:21) They follow idols who decree for them religious laws never authorized by GOD. If it were not for the predetermined decision, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, the transgressors have incurred a painful retribution.
"When God ALONE is advocated, the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter shrink with aversion. But when IDOLS are mentioned besides Him, they rejoice "(39:45).
Samsher |
Posted - Sunday, July 23, 2006 - 1:01 AM
quote: Assalaamu 'Alaikum Brother Zulfee. Here are the answers to your questions: (Bismillah!) 1. Certainly not. And it's because of this reason that I follow His Prophet (SAW). 2. Ofcourse not. And by the way, if you're referring to Muhammad (SAW), then he wasn't perfect at all. He was only a servant of Allah who was raised to honour because of being a prophet. 3. No. And it's because of the fact that I love Allah that also makes me love His Prophet and which thus makes me follow him. 4. Not at all. If you're again referring to Muhammad (SAW), then he never told us to do that. 5. Yes, absolutely. Why? Because the Qur'an tells me to. I think you've not gone through verse 59 of Surah Nisaa which reads the following: "O you who believe! Obey Allah 1, and obey the Messenger 2, and those charged with authority among you 3. If you differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger 4, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is best and most suitable in the end." In this verse, some have detected mentions of the four bases of Islamic law: the Qur'an 1, the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and his sayings 2, the consensus of scholars 3, and analogy based upon the Qur'an and Sunnah 4. Note that the verse adds, "If you believe in Allah and the Last Day", implying that anyone who does believe in these four bases of Islamic law, he actually does not believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment! That means you! Talk about calling us Mushriks! And please don't tell me that I'm a liar because I'm not the one calling you a Mushrik; the Qur'an is. 6. Ofcourse not! What makes you think I do that? I'm only following the Qur'an! 7. I've no idea what made you ask this. Certainly not! 8. No Zulfee. Only Christians call on their prophet 'Eesa (AS). I'm a Muslim Alhamdulillah, and am thus free of their Shirk. But by the way, that doesn't mean I should not follow Muhammad (SAW). Following someone, especially a prophet, has nothing to do with worshipping him. And if the Qur'an had told me to abandon Muhammad's (SAW) Sunnah after his death, I would've been the first one to do that. 9. Not at all! I do worship my Lord because He deserves my worship. But Zulfee, that worship would be of no use if I did not follow His Teachings. And one of His Teachings is that we should follow the teachings if His prophet Muhammad (SAW), who did not say anything of his own accord, who was inspired to teach us the Message of Allah, and whose exact same teachings have been passed on to us through reliable chains of narrarors. That's true worship: to obey Allah, and we possibly cannot obey Allah if we don't obey His prophet who was sent to humanity. And Alhamdulillah, that's what I do. I follow Allah and His prophet (SAW), and so should you. 10. Brother Zulfee, while I'm replying to these questions and unjustified blames on me, my conscience tells me that I'm right and that Allah is with me. Knowing that Allah supports me, why should I not be honest in answering these questions? If I weren't honest, I wouldn't have felt Allah's support.
You wrote: Nida e khair, first answer these questions then give your polytheistic, erroneous and ignorance based comments.
Brother, after all that I've said, do you still hold me to be a "polytheist" if I only talk about obeying Allah? Do you still hold me to be "erroneous" inspite of giving proof from the Qur'an? Do you still hold me to be to be "ignorant" despite the fact that my source of knowledge is the Qur'an? If yes, then may Allah guide you because it is you who considers the Qur'an to be a joke. (N.B. I'm not attacking you, I'm just trying to justify my statement)
You wrote: Are you and the false argumentators of your team guided who are trying to make lawful every evil, even homosexuality?
Dear brother, I'm sorry to say this but that is blasphemy. Give me a single proof from the entire forum in which you think I've supported homosexuality. And what do you mean by "your team"? If you think I have a team that supports me, then please give me a single proof that says that "my team" supports homosexuality. And for the sake of Allah, please don't quote replies from people such as "Loveall" because they are not in my invented team. (I call it "invented" because uptil now, I had no idea I had a team. Zulfee just invented it. He's the inventor of my team. Does that make sense to any of you?) You further wrote: Why don’t you say ‘May peace be upon all of US! Instead of ‘May peace be upon you all!’ Aren’t you considering yourself pious, and all others otherwise?
Brother, a simple reason for this would be that if you greet someone, you don't say "peace be on us", you say "peace be to you". Throughout the centuries, Muslims, including the Prophet (SAW), have greeted each other by saying "peace be to you". Were they arrogant? I don't think so. And besides, suppose if I give you a gift, you won't attack me saying "Why didn't you give yourself a similar gift? Do you think your 'high dignity' is not worthy of such gifts?" I've tried to reply to your misunderstandings* in the best manner I could. May Allah guide you---Oh I'm sorry! I forgot to add "and me." So may Allah guide you and me. Happy now? Chill brother; just relax ! *I don't know your intentions, i.e. whether you merely meant to attack me, or these are misunderstandings. To be on the safe side, I think it better to write "misunderstandings".
Wassalaamu 'Alainaa (Peace on all of us!)
Posted - Sunday, July 23, 2006 - 8:10 AM
Thank you sksamshirali for the detailed replies.
Nida e khair
Nida e khair said: Muhammad is referred to as Allah's Apostle even in the Holy Book, i.e. Qur'an. Therefore "obey the Messenger" automatically means "obey Muhammad", silly. By the way, who gave you this false idea that the Ahaadeeth were fabricated after the Prophet's (SAW) death?
Nida e khair, YOU ARE WRONG!!
Suppose you are a government servant working in some office. Remember, your subordinates are bound to obey you as THE GOVRNMENT SERVANT ONLY NOT AS Nida e khair. So your subordinates are NEVER BOUND TO OBEY you for your PERSONAL ORDERS but only regarding the official job description assigned to you by the government otherwise if the government knows all that what could be the response. This is the difference between “obey the Messenger” and "obey Muhammad", silly.
If you understand the difference between a government servant and Nida e khair, you, must do understand the difference between “obey the Messenger” and "obey Muhammad", silly and NOWHERE in Quran, even a single time, is mentioned, "obey Muhammad" but only “obey the Messenger”, if you concentrate and not dishonest. |
Posted - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - 12:17 PM
Assalaamu 'Alaikum Brothers sksamshirali and Zulfee! I'm extremely sorry, but even though you guys have tried to produce such long and detailed replies, your arguments overall do not make any sense. I do not have the time and the convenience to reply to each and every argument. All I'll say is that if 'Rasool' in the Holy Qur'an means 'message' and not 'Muhammad', then when Allah says, "We've not sent you except as a mercy to all the worlds", what does He mean? Isn't He addressing Muhammad (SAW)? Who else could be a mercy to the whole of humanity? And if Muhammad (SAW) was a universal 'mercy', it's obvious that he was a universal preacher and "Rasool" (messenger). If he were of no use, if his sayings and Sunnah did not matter to anyone, why would he have been termed as "mercy"? If you still wanna argue, then lakum deenukum wa liya deen. There's no compulsion in religion. Yahdeekumullah! |
Posted - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 - 12:28 PM
Salam Nida_e_Khair,
Quote:- I'm extremely sorry, but even though you guys have tried to produce such long and detailed replies, your arguments overall do not make any sense.
Reply:- As you did not understand my reply so you opined this. It is your own shortcomings not truth.
Quote:- All I'll say is that if 'Rasool' in the Holy Qur'an means 'message' and not 'Muhammad',
Reply:- As I told you above that you did not understand my reply, even you did not read my earlier reply carefully, so you opined this way. I did not say anywhere that ‘Rasool’ means ONLY TO THE ‘MESSAGE’ i.e. QUR’AN. What I had told to you through my post dated 18th July, 2006 is as follows;
“Those who know Arabic well, know that the word (Rasool) in Arabic means both the messenger and the message. So, when God says , obey the (Rasool) , He means both the messenger and the message (QURAN). Both are inseparable. When the messenger, the human being is dead, the true messenger among us becomes the message itself, in this case, the QURAN. God Almighty has called the Quran (Rasool) on many occasions, e.g., 5:15, 11:1-3, 14:1, 27:2, 32:3, 34:6, 42:52, & 65:11”.
Quote:- then when Allah says, "We've not sent you except as a mercy to all the worlds", what does He mean? Isn't He addressing Muhammad (SAW)? Who else could be a mercy to the whole of humanity?
Reply:- How can Muhammad(pbuh) be a mercy after his death. He is dead for us, but his message is alive among us as mercy.
Quote:- And if Muhammad (SAW) was a universal 'mercy', it's obvious that he was a universal preacher and "Rasool" (messenger).
Reply:- Muhammad as a messenger and his message i.e. Qur’an was both the mercy for us. When Muhammad, the messenger, the human being is dead, the true mercy among us becomes the Qur’an, the message of Muhammad(pbuh).
Quote:- If he were of no use, if his sayings and Sunnah did not matter to anyone, why would he have been termed as "mercy"?
Reply:- How could you conclude that as Muhammad was ‘mercy’, so we should definitely follow his hadith & sunnah(fabricated), which have no mention in the Nobel Qur’an?
You at first quoted the verse ‘Obey God and Obey Messenger’ to prove your point that ‘Obey God’ means Obey Almighty God and Qur’an’ and ‘Obey Messenger’ means Obey his sayings & sunnah. When you have failed to prove your point from the above verse then again you picked up another verse from the Qur’an i.e. where Muhammad called as ‘Mercy’ and tried to prove again your point immaturely. Haa….ha..
I am not surprised because this is the character of traditionalists.
Quote:- If you still wanna argue, then lakum deenukum wa liya deen. There's no compulsion in religion.
Reply:-   brother I did not argue with you, rather you are arguing with me immaturely.
Samsher. |
Posted - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 - 1:02 PM
Brother, there's no way I can make you understand. I've given all the proofs I could. If you still don't believe me, I can't compel you to. I'm tired of replying to you and your sidekick zulfee. But I'll still say that your argument is non-sensical. I don't know about others, but its just nonsense to me. Meray andar bilkul hausla nahin hai aap ko samjhaane ke liye. Only Allah can make you understand. Aap ko jis cheese par bhi yaqeen karna hai, keejiye. I'm helpless.
(By the way, I'm not your brother, I'm your sister.) |
Posted - Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 3:52 AM
Dear Samsher Ali:
I have gone through some of your postings and found them quite powerful, logically. Though I do not agree with you, at this time, but I surely want to see and understand your viewpoint in detail. May you please forward me a book or something presenting the basics of your viewpoint about the Hadith to the following address?
Junaid Hassan Ravnestolen 140 5172 – Loddefjord Bergen Hordaland NORWAY
I’d pay you the literature’s as well as postal costs.
Thank you.
Edited by: JunaidHasan on Thursday, July 27, 2006 3:57 AM |
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