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Posted - Monday, February 26, 2007 - 9:23 AM
In continuation of my reply to brother care’s whims…………
Quote:- AND ALSO VERSES FROM THE QURAN,33:45, 2:143, 16: 89, O Prophet! Truly We have sent thee as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad Tidings, and Warner (33:45) (16:89)
MY REPLY: Muhammad will not be witness for us. How could Muhammad be witnessed over us, when he is dead. Muhammad will bear witness over his people.
Did you not read what Prophet Jesus said to his GOD? Pl. read;
[5:117] "I told them only what You commanded me to say, that: `You shall worship GOD, my Lord and your Lord.' I WAS A WITNESS AMONG THEM FOR AS LONG AS I LIVED WITH THEM. When You Terminated My Life On Earth, You Became The Watcher Over Them. You WITNESS all things.
Muhammad will serve as a witness on the day of Judgement OVER HIS PEOPLE AND THOSE HE DELIVERED THE MESSAGE TO, and not us ....
For every community there are witness's, they are the ones who speak the truth to their people and advocate the way of God.
Our witnesses will be from amongst ourselves and these verses say so. We are not Muhammad’s people. We lived now, more than 1400 years after his death. Also Muhammad lived in Arab, but we are Indian or Pakistani…. You can’t label us or any Chinese people, for an example, who live in China as Muhammad’s people.
Quote:- [10:47] To each community, a messenger. After their messenger comes, they are judged equitably, without the least injustice.
Your Reply: My dear brother, we are a single community, after the coming of Prophet Muhammad, and we his “UMAH” till the hereafter. Therefore this verse is also mentioned during the coming of Muhammad in Arabs as they have forgotten previous prophets teachings and their scriptures. They are reminded that Alalh sends messengers TO each community ( UMAH) but not IN each community.
MY REPLY:- God is not telling US in this ayat!!! This does not apply to us, this applies to the COMMUNITY OF MUHAMMAD, i.e. at the time when he was alive. I know that Imams call us the community of Muhammad, but we are NOT. We are living 1400 years after Muhammad, we are of different culture and civilization to the time of the prophet. Just the fact that we follow the Qur’an does NOT mean we are the community of Muhammad. let me give you an example,….
Would you call the Jews in the world today the community of Moses? obviously not, yes they follow the Torah but that is about all, everything else is different………..
Do you know why these corrupt bearded Imams call us the community of Muhammad?? The answer is two folded:
First: they hate to think that there will be messengers after Muhammad… they don’t like 10:47 where God confirms that for every community there will be a messenger, and thus to their retarded thinking if they say that we are the Umman of Muhammad then there will be no more new community and thus no new messenger!!!
To expose their naïve retarded minds, what about the Chinese community living today or the Japanese, or the Scandinavians …etc.. Are they not communities? Yes they are, in accordance with 10:47, they too will have messengers….unless ofcourse some fools with a turban and a beard wants to call the Chinese the community of Muhammad!!!
One more reasons these Imams call us the community of Muhammad is that they have one of theirr cherished hadith which is their basis for the corrupt concept of Muhammad’s intercession……..
Qur’an confirms that there will be no intercession on Judgement day, yet the sunni’s claim that Muhammad will intercede for all of us and actually take us out of hell into heaven. They base this corrupt claim on a hadith they repeat like parrots where it is claimed that God asked each prophet to ask for a wish, and when God asked Muhammad for his wish, Muhammad replied “Ummati” or (my community), the hadith then goes to say that God replies to Muhammad and says (take out of hell your people)!!!! So this claim that we are Muhammad’s ummah is the basis of two very corrupt idolatrous doctrines:
1. that there are no messengers after Muhammad 2. that Muhammad will intercede for all of us on Judgement day.
Both these concepts are clearly in violation of the Quran.
Bye………… Samsher Ali. |
Posted - Monday, February 26, 2007 - 10:53 AM
Salam Moderator,
Quote:- After the Holy Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (sws) is the source of faith in Islam.
MY REPLY:- Then you agreed that the sources of Islam is TWO not one. Is not it?? I don’t know anything about your qualification, but I expected, as you are a moderator of this website, that you know the meaning of the following single sentences of verse 6:114, for an example, but Alas!!! I was wrong in my expectation. Let us see what the sentence of the said verse says;
[6:114] “Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed?..........”
The above sentence of the verse clearly tells us that THE ONLY SOURCE OF LAW IS GOD i.e. QUR’AN and this sentence also says us that ‘we should not SEEK ANY OTHER SOURCE ( as our religious source)BESIDES IT(QUR’AN), because Almighty God revealed this book(Qur’an) in FULLY DETAILED.
Also in other verses e.g. 6:115 Almighty God says that His word is COMPLETE in TRUTH AND JUSTICE and nothing shall abrogate His words.
[6:115] The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
Now, when God Himself says us that we should not seek any other source besides Qur’an, when He Himself says that His word(Qur’an for us) is fully detailed, complete in truth and justice and when He also says that nothing shall abrogate His word, then how could you opined that ‘After the Holy Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (sws) is the source of faith in Islam’??? Do you think that God’s word is incomplete, do you think that His word(Qur’an) is not fully detailed, so we require another thing to complete and detail the Qur’an, the word of God?? (remember there are huge differences between the Qur’anic practice, which Muhammad practised and the present day’s sunnah(fabricated and falsely attributed on Muhammad).
[39:29] GOD cites the example of a man who deals with disputing partners (Hadith), compared to a man who deals with only one consistent source (Quran). Are they the same? Praise be to GOD; most of them do not know.
One thing more, don’t compare other religions with the ISLAM. Because God says in Qur’an that ISLAM is the only acceptable religion. So brother don’t say that this great religion says so that great religion says so. Islam is GREAT, it is GREATER and IT IS THE GREATEST.
Only Almighty Allah has the power/right to declare the religious rules. He did not give this power to any one including Muhammad.
We are bound to follow and have to follow only the rulings instituted in Qur’an i.e. we have to follow Only Qur’an and nothing else. It is forbidden in Qur’an to follow anything( that means anything including twatur, ijmaa,….. which have no support in Qur’an) besides It.
Samsher |
Posted - Monday, February 26, 2007 - 10:59 AM
Dear Khan,
Please read my earlier reply posted on - Monday, February 12, 2007 - 8:02 AM
Samsher |
Posted - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 - 11:51 PM
dear samsher hv been reading ur interesting posts off n on.indeed you hv the skills to initiate ur own website to propagate what you wish to 
as for your concerns re: methods of salah, rakas etc and for that matter all practical rituals of islam, the practice of the prophet sws is absolute and as reliable as the teachings of the Qur'an itself plz read the details inour course'understanding the sunnah' as for my qualification, i hv given you the ref from the studying islam courses which are based on the academic and research work of the renowned scholars of this site; whose entire work is based on the original sources of Islam, the last testament, Qur'an and the practice of the beloved Muhammad sws which was the final version of the practices of all the prophets of the past peace be upon all of them
ab thora saa waqt courses study karnay kay leay bhe nikaal lein (now soare some time to study our detailed courses as well) |
Posted - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - 12:07 PM
Salam Mr. moderator,
quote:- indeed you hv the skills to initiate ur own website to propagate what you wish to
MY REPLY:- I only try to preach the message of Qur'an and I have been doing this since long through many forums, for en example this forum. But it is proved that you propaget many of your nonsense thinking/story through this website, example of that are the rest of your posts.
Quote:- as for your concerns re: methods of salah, rakas etc and for that matter all practical rituals of islam, the practice of the prophet sws is absolute and as reliable as the teachings of the Qur'an itself
MY REPLY:- What was the practice of Prophet Muhammad? Is it not ONLY QUR'AN? Then which tone, for example, did he use his regular salat? How many salat he offered in a day?...How he observed his abluation(wudu).....? You people think that he invented/produced some rulings regarding islamic practices leaving behind the Qur'an, but this is your wishful thinking, which you are propagating through this website.
Quote:- plz read the details inour course'understanding the sunnah'
MY REPLY:- At first you tell me what is 'Sunnah' according to the Qur'an? Where did you find your cherished sunnah i.e. Muhammad's sunnah in the Nobel Qur'an? Pl. don't try to propaget your wishful thinking. Provide proof from the Qur'an
Quote:- as for my qualification, i hv given you the ref from the studying islam courses which are based on the academic and research work of the renowned scholars of this site; whose entire work is based on the original sources of Islam, the last testament, Qur'an and the practice of the beloved Muhammad sws which was the final version of the practices of all the prophets of the past peace be upon all of them
MY REPLY:- Mr. Moderator, I want reference from Qur'an not from any conjecture. The original source of Islam(for ours) is ONLY QUR'AN and noting else. By the way I asked you long ago a question that Hindu Pandits, Christian Missionaries are also doing great job towards their religion, even in many cases they are more qualified (academic) than your scholars. What about your opinion regarding there works???? But till date you could not been able to reply properly.
Quote:- ab thora saa waqt courses study karnay kay leay bhe nikaal lein (now soare some time to study our detailed courses as well)
REPLY:- My teacher is Almighty God and Study material is ONLY QUR'AN. What is the best teacher according to your knowledge? Is not Almighty GOD?
Samsher |
Posted - Friday, March 2, 2007 - 6:55 PM
Qoute: But it is proved that you propaget many of your nonsense thinking/story through this website, example of that are the rest of your posts. samsher
Warning: We are afraid none of the posts would be considered for Reply untill appropriate language has been used. Please refer to the Code of Conduct again according to which such posts are liable to be blocked along with the posters. Studying Islam endeavours to promote an academic space for mutual interaction of opinion within the limits of basic manners of communication. |
Posted - Friday, March 2, 2007 - 7:10 PM
List of Sunan instituted by the Prophet (sws)
When we turn to the living tradition of the Muslim Ummah, we find the following practices shared by all and commonly believed to have been instituted by the Holy Prophet (sws) and therefore constitute his Sunnah.
1. To eat and drink with the right hand after saying ‘Bismillah ir Rah@ma#n ir Rah@i#m’ (In the name of Allah the Beneficent and Merciful). This practice extends to doing everything that is lawful in Islam. It is meant to remind the Muslims about the fact that on the Day of Judgment the virtuous would be given their account of deed in their right hands and would be honored. On the other hand the non-believers and evildoers would be given their deed account in their left hands and would be the losers. (Al Inshiqa#q 84 and Al H~aq#qah 69).
2. Greeting each other with assala#m u ‘alaykum and replying to it by wa ‘alaykum assala#m. Muslims are required to nourish good wishes for fellow Muslims and this etiquette encourages them to evolve and maintain this relationship in their social contact.
3. Saying ‘Al h@amdu lilla#h’ (All praise be for Allah) when one sneezes, and replying to it by saying ‘Yarh@amu kum Allah’ (May Allah bless you). Sneeze relieves us of the tension and pressure and therefore is considered an occasion of thanks to Allah.
4. Calling Adha#n (call for the five daily prayers) in the right ear of a newborn baby and Aqa#mah (Call for the beginning of congregation) in his left ear. This symbolic ritual signifies the entrance of a new member of the Ummah.
5. Tadhkiyah: Slaughtering (Dhibh) animals with Allah u Akbar, in the prescribed manner, that is by cutting the main blood vessels of the neck to ensure that all the blood flows out. This is in compliance to the verses of the Holy Qur’a#n that prohibits taking animal blood because it is akin to the habits of wild animals.
(adapted from Studying Islam courses)
contd... |
Posted - Friday, March 2, 2007 - 7:18 PM
contd: List of Sunan as instituted by the Prophet sws
6. The procedure of Nika#h (Solemnization of Marriage) and Talaq (Divorce).. Nika#h represents the only valid and permissible way of forming a family in the Muslim society in which a man and a woman accept each other as husband and wife and declare it in the community. It includes the payment of Mahr (a dowry, in cash or kind) to the wife as an indication of the responsibility of financing the newly constituted family. It also includes the sermon of Nika#h means that an elder of the family advises the couple for successful marital life. The contents of the sermon are not prescribed in Islam. Usually any of the several sermons of the Holy Prophet (sws), found recorded in history, is delivered.
7. Keeping the moustaches short to avoid them submerging while drinking or eating.
8. Removing the undesired hair around the genitals to ensure hygiene.
9. Removing hair from the armpits for hygiene.
10. Circumcision of all male children for hygiene as well as to mark Muslim men with a permanent sign on their bodies to denote their membership of the Ummah.
11. Cutting the overgrown nails for hygiene and to differentiate the people from animals.
12. Keeping the teeth, nose and mouth clean for hygiene.
13. Washing after defecation and urination (istanja#) for hygiene.
14. Bathing after having intercourse for hygiene.
15. Avoiding intercourse during menses and afterbirth for hygiene.
16. Bathing (of women) after menses and childbirth for hygiene and marking the end of the period.
17. Bathing the dead bodies and wrapping the dead body in cloth (takfi#n) to bury them with honor to express our respect for the departed fellow beings and offering funeral Prayers (Sala#h Janaza#h) to express our good wishes for the departed soul and to pray for him.
(adapted from studying islam courses)
contd... |
Posted - Friday, March 2, 2007 - 7:24 PM
contd... List of Sunan as instituted by the Prophet sws.
18. Burial (tadfi#n) to avoid their visible decay which is distressing or being devoured by animals and insects.
19. Five daily prayers and the related injunctions like Ablution (wud@u#) to ensure that one is perfectly pure and clean while presenting one’s prayers and Tayammum (dry ablution when water is not available) to keep the ideals of purification in mind even when water is not available. This also includes Adha#n (call for prayers) & Aqamat (call for beginning the congregation). This includes the establishment & maintenance of Mosque system in Muslim communities, which includes the establishment, maintenance, nomination of Imam and organization of five daily prayers. The Jumu‘ah (Friday) congregation i.e. a larger gathering of Muslims for the noon prayers on Friday. One of the related injunctions is observing the sanctity of the Ka‘bah, Understanding the Sunnah Module 2 4 which includes paying respect to the House of Allah and abstinence from bloodshed of humans or animals within the precincts of the Ka‘bah / Baytullah (house of Allah) in Mecca.
20.Fasting (during the month of Ramad~a#n) and .paying a prescribed alms (Fit@ra#nah) on Eid-ul-Fit@r.
21. I‘tika#f (seclusion for prayers and supplications) during the last ten days of the holy month of Ramad~a#n). Muslim men usually opt for seclusion in the mosques while the Muslim women observe these ten days in their houses.
22. Paying Zaka#h (charity & tax) of which the rates and ceilings on different commodities are prescribed.
23. Performing H~ajj and Umrah (pilgrimage to Ka‘bah). H~ajj is the pilgrimage to Makkah on the tenth day of the last month of lunar calendar. H~ajj is mandatory (fard@), once in life, for those who can afford it. Umrah is the Supererogatory (nafl) pilgrimage to Makkah.
24. Sacrificing animals on Eid-ul-Ad@ha#. The related injunctions include observing the sanctity of four months; the seventh lunar month of Rajab for Umrah and the eleventh, twelfth and first lunar months of Dhiqa‘ad, Dhu’l- H~ajj and Muh@arram for performance of the H~ajj. During these months all forms of armed conflicts and any attempt to obstruct the routes of pilgrims are strictly prohibited.
25. Additional Takbi#rs (saying Allah u Akbar) during the days of Tashri#q (the Eid day and the three days after the Eid).
26. Celebrating Eid-ul-Fit@r (and offering prayers) on the first day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar
27. Celebrating Eid-ul-Ad@ha# on the tenth day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar.
(adapted from studying islam courses) |
Posted - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 - 9:29 AM
Salam to Mr. Moderator,
Warning: We are afraid none of the posts would be considered for Reply untill appropriate language has been used. Please refer to the Code of Conduct again according to which such posts are liable to be blocked along with the posters. Studying Islam endeavours to promote an academic space for mutual interaction of opinion within the limits of basic manners of communication.
MY REPLY :- You yourself made your own code of conduct of your forums. You tried to say (through your earlier post dated27/02/2007) that ‘I am propagating my wishful thinking’ so you advised me to create my own website to propagate this…! But when I told you the same that you are propagating your nonsense thinking/story, which have no support in Qur’an, through this website, then you blamed me that ‘I break the code of conduct of this forum’!!!! How ridiculous!!! Brother is it that you can say anything to any one but no one can say the same to you??? At first you should try to stop this from your end.
I think, rather, you should ask me by saying that “where did you propagated your wishful thinking/story”. But you could not ask this. I know why you could not ask me this.
quote: Qoute: But it is proved that you propaget many of your nonsense thinking/story through this website, example of that are the rest of your posts. samsher
Warning: We are afraid none of the posts would be considered for Reply untill appropriate language has been used. Please refer to the Code of Conduct again according to which such posts are liable to be blocked along with the posters. Studying Islam endeavours to promote an academic space for mutual interaction of opinion within the limits of basic manners of communication.
Posted - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 - 1:34 PM
quote: I think, rather, you should ask me by saying that “where did you propagated your wishful thinking/story”. But you could not ask this. I know why you could not ask me this.
you should better think what others think about your thinking reflected here.Let others think and reply if they think so before answring them. |
Posted - Thursday, March 8, 2007 - 10:03 AM
You used so much ‘think’ in the above sentence, it is obscure what did you want to say.
Edited by: ibrahim on Saturday, March 24, 2007 8:51 AM |
Posted - Thursday, March 8, 2007 - 12:31 PM
Dear samsher. indeed no one is angry with yourself--no hard feelings youall have been given space 'n liberty to express your opinions here as well but the problem is that you keep breaking the code of conduct by individually targeting the scholars, moderators and the courses that this site is promoting. this is unacceptable.
you must express your opinions and should not react with unacceptable wordings when you are replied with the facts that this site is promoting. however you are welcome to give your evidence and reply again in return, but again without using words like idiot, nonsense, foolish etc 'cause this reflects 'kibr' /arrogance that comes from satan who believed that no one else but he was right.
unfortunately this is the basic evil which has presently split the muslim ummah into innumerable sectors that none is tolerating anothers' view--even to the level of just listening and discussing--forget about practicing.
secondly it is amazing that you have quoted innumerable verses of Qur'an for your point of view but how could you ignore such an imp verse of Qur'an which tells the prophet Muhammad sws that if the believers tell you that they love god, ask them to follow yourself i.e. muhammad pbuh  
so how can you say that you love and follow Qur'an when you do not think that the practices of the bringer of Qur'an are a part of the deen so much so that without them the deen is incomplete   |
Posted - Friday, March 9, 2007 - 11:43 AM
You people could not even understand this simple truth within 2 year 3 months Alas!!!
Mr. Perv 1 rightly analyzed you & your scholars.
Samsher |
Posted - Friday, March 9, 2007 - 11:48 AM
Dear Moderator,
I earlier told you that code of conduct of this forum is your own made and under this code of conduct you think that you can say anything or blame to any one’s opinion , but no one can say anything about your opinion, which is full of ILLUSION!!! If you think that ‘God is Two’ as Christians claim ‘God is three’, then this opinion must be a Nonsense, Foolish…. according to Qur’an and no doubt about it and if I declare it boldly then I don’t find anything wrong in it.
For example, Qur’an says that Almighty God is the only Law maker, but you people think that Muhammad had also the power of making religious law besides Almighty God, which is totally anti-Quranic.
Another example is Qur’an says that we should not accept any other source as SOURCE OF OUR RELIGIOUS LAW BESIDES IT i.e. IT(Qur’an) is the only religious source(6:114). IT also says that IT is FULLY DETAILED, COMPLETE & PERFECT, IT is the FURQAN, IT is the ONLY GUIDANCE……
But you people think otherwise ie. You accept fabricated prophetic hadith, sunnah ….( in favour of which even not a single word is said in Qur’an) as another source of your guidance besides Qur’an. So your thinking must be a nonsense….. If any one say a garbage a garbage, then I can’t find anything wrong in it…I simply tell the truth that is in the Qur’an. Oh yes… if you think that I am wrong and you are right, then why do you not prove it or prove yourself in the light of Qur’anic verses. Suppose I believe only IN QUR’AN And I discard all the fabricated hadith, sunnah….. Now you prove by giving reference from the Qur’an where I am wrong. You prefer your scholar’s opinion rather than Qur’an.
[42:21] They follow idols who decree for them religious laws never authorized by GOD. If it were not for the predetermined decision, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, the transgressors have incurred a painful retribution.
You have already splitted into sects e.g. Sunni, Shia, Ahmadia……
All sects and divisions in Islam, whether Sunni, Shias, Ahmaddis, Ismailli......etc have disagreements about hadith and sunnah attributed to the prophet. However, these same sects have no disagreements about the Quran. Muslims divide because they follow different sources besides the Quran It is sources of religious law, stories, conjecture, etc. outside the Quran which have created these sects. Muslims divide into sects because they follow different sources of religious law, stories, conjecture, etc besides the Quran . If the Muslims follow one consistent source i.e the Quran , they can never be divided .But most of them choose to follow disputing Hadiths that contradict each other :
As long as Muslims were following the Quran alone ,they were not divided, because they were following one common source .
This discussion was started between me and Mr. Tariq Hashmi on December 2004 that means the age of our discussion is about 2 years and 3 months, and throughout the discussion never I opined by saying that we should not follow the practices which Muhammad practiced!!!! Rather I told again & again that Prophet Muhammad Practiced only Qur’an and nothing else and we must follow only IT as Muhammad followed. As Muhammad believed that Qur’an is Fully Detailed, Complete, Perfect so we must believe this.
You people could not even understand this simple truth within 2 year 3 months Alas!!!
Mr. Perv 1 rightly analyzed you & your scholars.
Samsher |
Posted - Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:29 PM
Salaam all
quote: All sects and divisions in Islam, whether Sunni, Shias, Ahmaddis, Ismailli......etc have disagreements about hadith and sunnah attributed to the prophet.
I think this is at the heart of the whole debate.
quote: However, these same sects have no disagreements about the Quran.
Yes as far I am aware all muslims believe in the same Quran.
quote: Muslims divide because they follow different sources besides the Quran
So even a child should be able to see that it is the sources besdie the Quran are responsible for the different sects in Islam & yet we still cling to them as though they were divine revelations from God.
My personal opinion is that so called scholars like Mr Ghamdi reject hadith and are well aware of their anti-Islamic nature, but living in countries like Pakistan, are too afraid of the consequences from the bigots if they openly declared their opposition to hadith etc as corrupting influence in Islam but instead choose to muddy the waters with so called Sunnah issue. Which is even more confusing than the hadith and in my opinion just as corruptive as the hadith books. This sunnah business will yet create another sect(or perhaps has already done so) in Islam. regards |
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